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Standardized Solution for Cheese

One example would be the almost standardized supply of control cabinets for cheese processes where our Systemhaus in Menden, Germany, created specifications for different control cabinet configurations for the customer.

Central process automation for food and beverage: Stainless steel control cabinet with AirLINE Type 8640

Central process automation for food and beverage: Stainless steel control cabinet with AirLINE Type 8640

Our cheese production customers always get the same system solution with the right, true and tested, components. The heart of Bürkert’s control cabinet solutions is the 8640 valve island which seamless combines the pneumatics and digital position feedback.

Tyyppi 8640

Moduuleista koostuva venttiilijärjestelmä paineilmasovelluksiin

Tyyppi 8640
  • Pienikokoinen rakenne
  • Moduulirakenne
  • Helppo AirLINE Quick -liitäntä ohjauskaappiin
  • Venttiilit on helppo vaihtaa (P-lukituksella myös laitteen ollessa käynnissä)

Are you interested - please contact our Sales Team.