Change under Pressure
Explosion protection is a given in many chemical plant but system availability is also key. Failure is not an option for many components and redundancy can be built into systems to reduce the risk.
In some plants even a few minutes can jeopardize productivity, operating cost and safety so customers require robust and reliable solutions that allow quick corrective action at the pain point.
Our HotSwap design means that the replacement of single components is possible without stopping the entire process.
Integrated process reliability makes it simple to replace a pilot valve during under pressure. During HotSwap ony a small air stream can escape from the pneumatic base module, but the air pressure on the entire valve block does not fail.
Moduuleista koostuva venttiilijärjestelmä paineilmasovelluksiin
- Pienikokoinen rakenne
- Moduulirakenne
- Helppo AirLINE Quick -liitäntä ohjauskaappiin
- Venttiilit on helppo vaihtaa (P-lukituksella myös laitteen ollessa käynnissä)
Are you interested - please contact our Sales Team.