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Cabinets for Hazardous Locations

Bayer Schering Pharma AG often uses highly volatile, flammable substances in the manufacture of pharmaceutical products. Areas for such applications are defined by the European ATEX Directive as zones and contain explosion-protected equipment.

Complete decentral control unit from Bürkert at Bayer Schering Pharma AG

Complete decentral control unit from Bürkert at Bayer Schering Pharma AG

In choosing decentral control units Bayer Schering Pharma AG decided to use a system solution from Bürkert. ATEX-certified control cabinets combine electrical and pneumatic control functions in one unit and require only one certificate. This simplifies user documentation by eliminating the need for proof of inherent safety, compatibility considerations, wiring diagrams and temperature rise measurements, etc.The configuration of the individual stations and their modules and also the parameters of the individual channels are stored within the process control system PCS 7. The control cabinets are connected to the control system by Profibus DP, which in the intrinsically safe version (RS485-IS) enables up to 31 devices per link and a maximum baud rate of 1.5 MBaud.

Tyyppi 8650

AirLINE Ex – sähkö-pneumaattinen automaatiojärjestelmä, jota voi käyttää räjähdysvaarallisilla alueilla

Tyyppi 8650
  • Soveltuu käytettäväksi räjähdysvaarallisilla alueilla (vyöhyke 1/21)
  • Kehitetty yhdessä Siemensin kanssa
  • Sähkökytkentä PROFIBUS® DP-is:n kautta, sähkökäyttöiset I/O-toiminnot Siemensin SIMATIC ET 200 iSP™ -moduulilla
  • UUSI REV.2 mahdollistaa uudet integroitavat toiminnot, kuetn paineanturi tai painekytkin

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